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St Mary’s C of E Primary School

‘Learning for Life’

At St Mary’s we have adopted a uniform, which is easy to obtain and represents good value for money. The pupils at St Mary’s always look very smart, and I am sure this influences their behaviour, both in school and around the village.  Many items of the uniform can be purchased from: Ansom Moore  email: tel: 01483 237555.   Second hand uniform can be obtained through the PTA or the Home School Link Worker.

Girls/ Boys

Black pinafore dress
Black pleated skirt
Black uniform trousers
Black shorts
Royal blue polo shirt with logo
Royal blue cardigan or sweatshirt with logo
Black tights or socks
Black school shoes (or pure black trainers)

Light blue gingham dress
Royal blue cardigan or sweatshirt with logo
White socks
Black school shoes (or pure black trainers)


Royal blue polo shirt with logo
Royal blue cardigan or sweatshirt with logo
Black tracksuit bottoms
Trainers/shoes (no open toe sandals)


PE Kit (Yrs R - 6)

All pupils should have a royal blue, round necked t-shirt with the school logo and plain black shorts or skortz. Indoor PE is performed in bare feet. For outdoor PE, trainers or plimsolls are advised. For outdoor sports in cold weather, pupils are advised to wear black jogging bottoms - no leggings please. A hooded top with the school logo is also available (this must only be worn for PE). All Reception & KS1 children should have a spare set of underwear in their PE bag.

For swimming, a towel, swimsuit / trunks, and a swimming hat are needed. Swim hats are available from the school office.

Book Bags & Rucksacks

All Reception and KS1 children at St Mary’s will be required to bring a book bag to school which is provided by the school. This should be brought to school every day and kept in the child’s tray. If you wish your child to bring a rucksack, it must be of a sensible size so that it can fit into a locker and the book bag must be brought into school every day. We advise that pupils in Reception and KS1 only use a book bag.


Only small, simple gold or silver stud earrings are permissible (diamond stud earrings and hoop earrings are not permissible). Earrings must be removed by the child for PE and swimming. In the interests of health and safety, no other jewellery or body piercing is permitted.

Hair Styles
These should be natural in colour and discreet. Extreme hair styles are not acceptable. Inappropriate styles might include: shaved designs in hair, hair shorter than a Grade 3, hair dyed in unnatural colours. Long hair (shoulder-length or beyond) should be tied back.

Hair Accessories
These must be simple and either plain royal blue, black or white. Hair bows must be small (around 6cm maximum), Alice bands must be plain and Hijabs must again be plain royal blue, black or white. For health and safety reasons, beaded / braided hair must be tied back and beads must be plain navy blue, royal blue, black or white.

Make-up, including nail varnish, is not permitted.

Black shoes are required as part of the school uniform. White or coloured trainers are not permissible as a substitute for school shoes.

In the summer, children are advised to wear a hat when outdoors, this should be plain black, white or royal blue.