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St Mary’s C of E Primary School

‘Learning for Life’

About us and our School Day


The school is situated in pleasant grounds with a large field, environmental area, several playgrounds and wooded area. Much use is made of the grounds as part of our outdoor learning programme which utilises our forest area and outdoor classroom. We have two classes per year group from Reception to Year 6. We also have a Nursery for 3-5 year olds (please see 'Nursery (3-5 Year Olds)' in the 'About Us' section of the website).

The school has very good accommodation and facilities. It was extended in 2010 with three new classrooms, an arts hall, a KS2 library, SENCo room, two meeting rooms and a new ICT suite.

We also have a large and small hall, a cookery room and KS1 and KS2  library areas within the school. Our heated outdoor swimming pool on site is used by all classes from Reception to Year 6 during the summer term.

Cycling / Travelling to School

St Mary’s has two cycle compounds. The school organises Bikeability courses to develop the Year 4 and 6 children’s road safety awareness. Pupils can cycle or ‘scoot’ to school and can park their cycles and scooters at parent’s risk. We hope that all who are close enough, will walk their children to school.

Please note that cycles and scooters are not to be used on school grounds.

As lovely as is it to see our furry friends, dogs even on leads are not permitted on school grounds unless it is a guide dog.

Opening Times

Class Morning Afternoon
Nursery 9.15am - 11.45am ** 12.15pm - 3.15pm
Reception 8.40am - 11.30am 12.45pm - 3.10pm
Key Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2) 8.40am - 12.00pm 12.45pm - 3.10pm
Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6) 8.40am - 12.00pm 12.45pm - 3.10pm





Total opening hours in a typical week: 31.65

** If you have a 15 hour, beginning of the week nursery child, you will come in at 8.45am on Wednesdays to ensure you receive your full entitlement. 
The school runs a breakfast and after school club (The Hive) for parents requiring childcare.

Our School Day

The school gates open at 8.35am and children in Years Reception to Year 6 are expected in class by 8.40am as that is when the learning begins. Every morning there is an assembly and act of collective worship at 9.20am, in the school hall or in the classroom. An example of our collective worship plan can be found in the links below.

Each day, the children will learn English and Maths in the morning. Every afternoon, all other subjects will be taught in rotation and some are taught in blocks across a few weeks. Religious Education is taught weekly and PSHE is taught daily. After our lunch break, classes take part in mediation and at the end of every day, there is a time for reflection.

We have Surrey Arts Teachers who come to deliver instrument teaching in Years 3 and 5 and sports coaches who deliver PE across the school. Details of this can be found in the curriculum overview section on the school website.  On PE days children come to school wearing their PE kit so they do not have to change at school. 

At the start of every academic year, your class teacher will invite you to a year group welcome meeting, where all of this will be shared with you as well as any specific information about your child's day or year group.

Midday Meals
A choice of mid-day meals is provided on site for pupils by the Surrey Commercial Services at a cost of £2.80 per day (payable in advance). Free hot lunches are available to all Reception and Key Stage 1 children via the Government initiative UFSM (Universal Free School Meals) and also to Pupil Premium children (please contact the school office if you think you may be eligible). 

Presently on offer are a choice of hot, home made lunches, various salads, and a choice of puddings (please see the link below). The children order their meals online via Scopay in advance to ensure they receive the meal of their choice. Alternatively, children can eat packed lunches from home. Sweets are not allowed in school; crisps and chocolate biscuit bars may only be eaten as part of a packed lunch. We do operate a NO NUTS policy and nuts are not allowed to be brought in as we have a number of children who have severe nut allergies.

Please note: all meals must be paid in advance.

Please see attachments below for information on how to order your child's meal.

Morning Break and Drinks

In the Nursery, children are offered a piece of fruit or vegetable and a drink of milk. In Reception and KS1 all pupils are given a piece of fruit or vegetable at morning break. KS2 pupils may bring a piece of fruit or vegetable to eat at morning break, and this should be kept separate from any packed lunch. No other food (eg crisps / sweets / chocolate bars etc) are allowed for break. All children are encouraged to bring water to school in a named bottle (only water is allowed in these bottles).

School Entrance

There are two entrances for pupils to enter the school site:

Hart Road (main entrance) / Rectory Lane (rear entrance).

We follow a voluntary one-way system in Hart Road, entering from Brewery Lane and exiting into Rectory Lane. This works very well.


There is very limited parking in Hart Road. However, there is additional parking available at the Rectory Lane gate in the church hall car park. Please note parking restrictions apply at both entrances and we strongly urge parents to adhere to these restrictions to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the pupils. We would politely remind you to park considerately and not block access to residents properties.

Staff Car Park

Please note that the school car park is for staff members only unless prior authorisation has been given by the school. Please contact Catherine Buchanan, our School Business Manager for further information.


The school can administer medication on completion of a Pupil Medication Form. If a child needs to take medication during school hours, please bring it to the school office, ensuring it is clearly labelled and shows times to be administered with dosage. No pupil should carry around their own medicine or keep it in their own school bag.  No medication will be administered to pupils without the Pupil Medication Form completed and signed by a parent / guardian.

If your child is taking medication which is administered at home, but may have an impact on them during the school day, the school office MUST be notified in writing. The office will then inform the class teacher and any other members of staff who may need to know.

School Attendance

St Mary’s is committed to promoting the welfare of your child through regular school attendance. We know that every day lost to education can have a serious impact on your child’s attainment and overall progress in school.

We are therefore fully committed to promoting school attendance by promoting an environment and ethos where children feel safe and can build positive relationships with their peers.

St Mary’s attaches great importance to children attending school regularly and punctually. To this end we will do all we can to encourage parents / carers to ensure that the children in their care achieve maximum possible attendance and that any problems that prevent full attendance are identified and acted on promptly.

Personal Property

Please do not allow your children to bring or wear any items of value. Whilst every possible precaution is taken to ensure the security of items brought to school, neither we nor the Local Authority will accept responsibility for loss or damage.

There is no lost property, so please ensure everything is named so that it can find it's way to beack the owner if it is lost. Periodically, any unclaimed items will be disposed of. The school cannot take any responsibility for lost property. We endeavour to return named property to the child.

Jewellery and Mobile Phones

A number of serious accidents have occurred nationally through children wearing jewellery to school. It is, therefore, necessary to have a school rule banning all jewellery. If it is absolutely necessary for ear studs to be worn, they must be small and flat and must be removed independently by the pupil for PE and games lessons. Responsibility for keeping ear studs and watches on these occasions lies with the child. 

Mobile phones must be handed to the class teacher at the start of each day. Their teacher will keep them secure until the end of the school day when they will be handed back to the child. Mobile phones are not to be used on the school site by children.